How to Choose the Best Website Builder for Complex Business Needs

June 3, 2024
Posted by
Andrew Pottruff
How to Choose the Best Website Builder for Complex Business Needs


In today's competitive business world, there is a growing demand for advanced website and web application builders. Companies are always looking for ways to stand out and provide smooth online experiences. This is where website builders and web application builders can help. These tools make the development process easier, even for those without much coding knowledge.

What Are Website Builders?

Website builders are platforms that allow users to create websites using pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop interfaces. They range from simple, user-friendly options to more complex solutions capable of handling advanced business requirements.

Why Choosing the Right Builder Matters

Choosing the right website builder is crucial, especially for complex business needs. A good builder can:

  • Ensure scalability as your business grows
  • Enable customization to match your brand's unique identity
  • Integrate with various third-party services for enhanced functionality

Our Approach

We'll compare some of the most popular website builders based on their features, pricing, pros, and cons. By the end of this article, you'll have a clearer understanding of which platform can best meet your advanced business needs.

To further enhance your online presence, it's also important to consider other aspects of digital marketing. For instance, Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) are key to unlocking the full potential of programmatic advertising. Additionally, understanding interaction design will be crucial in shaping the future of user experiences in a world where technology continues to evolve rapidly.

Moreover, as businesses strive for agility in their software development processes, Rapid Application Development (RAD) has become the norm. RAD has pioneered an iterative approach and prototyping techniques that have helped transform software development, influencing agile methodologies used today.

In addition to these technical aspects, modern marketers should also consider effective audience segmentation strategies to connect with their target customers and yield significant marketing benefits through targeted campaigns, content, and product development.

Furthermore, social media plays a vital role in any modern small business's marketing strategy. So it is important to leverage the power of social media management tools to streamline your efforts and maximize your results.

Lastly, it's crucial to create evergreen content that provides long-term value. This type of content attracts search traffic and engages readers for years, making it an essential part of any successful digital marketing strategy.

By considering all of these factors and utilizing the right tools and strategies like social listening, you can ensure your online presence remains strong and your business continues to thrive in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

Understanding Different Types of Website Builders

Website builders play a crucial role in simplifying the development process, enabling businesses to create professional websites without extensive coding knowledge. These tools can be categorised based on their architecture and purpose:

Monolithic CMS

Monolithic Content Management Systems (CMS) are all-in-one solutions where the back-end and front-end are tightly integrated. They are equipped with user-friendly interfaces, built-in templates and themes, as well as integrated plugins and extensions. This makes them an ideal choice for small to medium-sized projects due to their easier setup and maintenance. However, they may have limited flexibility for customization and can become sluggish with heavy traffic or complex features.

Headless CMS

Headless CMS decouples the back-end from the front-end, offering more flexibility by providing content via APIs that can be utilised across various platforms. With API-driven content delivery, support for multiple front-end frameworks, and enhanced performance and scalability, headless CMS provides greater flexibility for developers. It also makes it easier to implement omnichannel strategies while improving site speed and performance. However, headless CMS requires more technical expertise during the initial setup phase.

CMS for Web Designers

Designed specifically for web designers, these CMS options offer advanced design controls while simplifying the coding process. They come with visual drag-and-drop editors, customisable design elements, and integration with design tools like Adobe XD or Sketch. This streamlines the design process and eliminates the need for extensive coding skills, giving designers enhanced creative control over layouts. However, these CMS solutions may lack advanced functionality required by larger businesses and can be costly depending on the platform chosen.

E-Commerce Monolithic CMS Solutions

E-commerce monolithic CMS solutions are tailored to meet the needs of online stores by offering built-in e-commerce features such as comprehensive product management tools, integrated payment gateways, inventory tracking, and order management systems. These solutions seamlessly integrate e-commerce functionalities, optimize online sales performance, and are scalable to handle large product catalogues. However, they often have complex setup processes and may require additional investment in plugins or extensions.

To further enhance the performance and visibility of websites built using these different types of website builders, it's important to consider implementing strategies such as Schema Markup for SEO and Website Optimization. Schema markup provides extra context and meaning to web pages by adding structured data that search engines can understand, leading to rich results, better indexing and crawling, and increased click-through rates.

For e-commerce websites specifically, optimizing conversion rates is crucial. This can be achieved by employing various strategies that have been proven to boost online sales.

Additionally, leveraging the power of creative video marketing ideas presents a huge opportunity to reach and engage with target audiences. With over 500 million hours of video consumed on YouTube daily, it is essential to make your video marketing stand out by incorporating innovative ideas that capture attention and drive growth.

Key Considerations for Choosing the Best Website Builder

When choosing a website builder for complex business needs, there are several important factors to consider so that you can make the best decision possible.

Pricing Considerations

  • Affordable Options: Check if the website builder fits within your budget. Look for platforms that offer essential features without any hidden fees.
  • Getting Your Money's Worth: Take a close look at what each pricing plan includes. Make sure that the plan you choose has all the features you need, such as advanced SEO tools and e-commerce capabilities.

Scalability Requirements

  • Ability to Grow: Find out if the builder can handle more traffic and data as your business expands.
  • Keeping Performance Up: Make sure that the platform can maintain good performance even when there's a lot of activity, so you don't have to deal with slow loading times or crashes.

Customisation Options

  • Tailored Solutions: Seek out builders that give you plenty of options to customise your website according to your brand's specific style and needs.
  • Design Flexibility: Platforms like Webflow are known for their flexibility in design, allowing you to create unique and detailed custom designs without having to do any coding.

Integration Capabilities

  • Connecting with Other Tools: Make sure that the builder can easily integrate with other tools and platforms that you use, such as CRM systems, payment gateways, and marketing automation software.
  • Using APIs and Plugins: Platforms like WordPress offer a wide range of plugins that make it simple to connect with different services.

Support Needed for Building and Maintaining

  • Technical Assistance: Assess the level of support provided by the platform. Check if there are detailed guides, tutorials, active community forums, and responsive customer service channels available.
  • Easy Maintenance: Choose a platform that makes it easy for you to regularly update and maintain your website without any hassle.

Considering these factors will help you choose a website builder that is specifically suited to the complex needs of your business. By starting with a strong foundation, you'll be able to grow your online presence effectively as your business expands.

But what if you already have a website that lost backlinks over time? In such cases, link reclamation is the process of regaining those lost backlinks to restore your site's search engine rankings and authority. Persistence and effective outreach can help you recover 30-40% of lost links on average.

Also, while choosing a website builder with advanced SEO tools is important, it's equally crucial to understand the on-page SEO tips for website optimization in 2024. Conducting keyword research, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, improving website speed, adding alt text to images, using schema markup, strategic internal linking, creating useful content, leveraging headings tags, and optimizing URL structures are some key on-page optimization tips that can significantly boost your SEO and website visibility.

Furthermore, if your business involves automation or robotics in any way, it might be worth exploring the [introduction to robotics and automation for


WordPress stands out as a top choice for many businesses due to its unparalleled flexibility and scalability. It offers an extensive range of plugins that cater to almost any advanced business use case you can think of.


  • Highly flexible with thousands of plugins.
  • Scalable for small blogs to large enterprise sites.
  • Strong community support and regular updates.


  • Can be complex to manage without technical knowledge.
  • Vulnerable to security issues if not properly maintained.

Adobe Commerce (Magento)

When it comes to robust e-commerce capabilities, Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is a leader. It's perfect for businesses with complex online sales needs thanks to its powerful features.


  • Advanced product management and catalog features.
  • Highly customisable and scalable.
  • Strong focus on performance and security.


  • Steep learning curve and requires technical expertise.
  • Can be costly compared to other solutions. is a no-code platform that allows you to build web applications with advanced features. It's great for businesses looking to create custom workflows without writing code. This can be particularly useful when considering how to choose the best workflow automation software for your business, as it offers extensive customisation options.


  • No coding required.
  • Extensive customisation options.
  • Integrates well with third-party services.


  • Limited scalability for extremely high-traffic sites.
  • Performance can lag with complex applications.


Like, FlutterFlow provides a platform for building web apps without needing to code. It focuses on creating responsive, visually appealing interfaces. This can be particularly beneficial when partnering with a web design agency in 2024 to capture your vision and engage visitors.


  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface.
  • Builds responsive, mobile-friendly apps.
  • Good support for Firebase integrations.


  • Can be limiting for highly complex back-end logic.
  • Fewer third-party integrations than some competitors.

SAP Build Apps

SAP Build Apps is designed for enterprises needing sophisticated business solutions. It offers a suite of tools tailored to large-scale operations. These tools may require additional assistance from a web design agency to ensure a modern, well-designed website that aligns with your brand and industry standards.


  • Enterprise-grade features and security.
  • Excellent integration with other SAP products.
  • Highly scalable.


  • High cost suited more for large enterprises.
  • Requires specialised knowledge for optimal use.


Adalo is another no-code app builder that focuses on making app creation accessible. It’s ideal for small businesses or startups wanting quick deployment without technical hassles. Additionally, when considering the [top 10 social media management tools

Real-Life Examples of Successful Websites Built with Different Website Builders

Websites Built with WordPress

WordPress has powered numerous advanced business websites across various industries. Companies like The Walt Disney Company and TechCrunch leverage WordPress for its flexibility and scalability. These websites utilise a range of plugins to enhance functionality, from SEO tools to e-commerce solutions. For instance, TechCrunch's site handles heavy traffic and content updates seamlessly, showcasing WordPress's robustness.

Complex E-Commerce Sites on Adobe Commerce (Magento)

Adobe Commerce (Magento) is the backbone for many intricate e-commerce platforms. Take Nike as an example. Their online store manages extensive product catalogues, detailed pricing structures, and complex customer management features effortlessly. Magento's powerful features enable customisation at scale, providing a seamless shopping experience for Nike's global clientele.

Advanced Web Applications Built with is a go-to for creating sophisticated web applications without coding. A notable example is Qoins, an app designed to help users pay off debt by rounding up everyday purchases to the nearest dollar. Qoins utilises’s capabilities to manage complex workflows, data manipulation, and third-party integrations, highlighting how non-technical founders can build comprehensive applications.

Custom Applications Built with Adalo

Adalo simplifies the creation of custom mobile and web apps. Glimpse, a platform that connects job seekers with potential employers through short video resumes, uses Adalo to offer unique functionalities like video recording and job matching algorithms. This showcases Adalo’s potential for developing niche applications swiftly.

Custom Web Applications Built Using Webflow

Webflow enables designers to create fully functional web applications without code. For example, Lattice, a performance management tool, leverages Webflow’s design capabilities paired with integrations like Zapier for workflow automation and Memberstack for user authentication. These integrations allow Lattice to provide a seamless user experience while maintaining high design standards.

Importance of Real-Life Examples

Real-life examples highlight the practical capabilities of various website builders in meeting complex business needs. They demonstrate how different tools can be tailored to specific requirements, ensuring businesses choose platforms aligned with their goals.

In addition to these examples, it's crucial for businesses to stay updated on other important aspects of online presence like creating engaging social media content for 2024. This involves using visuals and videos tailored for each platform, helpful creation tools, engaging formats like Stories, and promoting your posts effectively.

Moreover, building a strong online presence also requires attention to high-quality backlink building for SEO, as it continues to be a significant ranking factor in 2024. The guide emphasizes the importance of relevant backlinks from trusted sites, suggesting strategies such as guest posting, broken link building, and link reclamation to build diverse, reputable backlinks over time.

Lastly, when it comes to advertising, adopting native advertising can be a game-changer. Native advertising is a paid ad format that seamlessly blends into a platform's user experience, matching its design, tone, and format. This provides a non-disruptive and engaging way for brands

The Role of Custom Web Platform Development in Meeting Unique Business Requirements

For businesses with unique and complex needs, off-the-shelf website builders might not always cut it. This is where custom web platform development comes into play.

Why Choose Custom Web Platform Development?

Custom web platform development offers several advantages over using generic website builders:

1. Tailored Solutions

Every business is unique. Custom platforms can be built to meet specific requirements, ensuring that all business processes are seamlessly integrated.

2. Scalability

These platforms can be designed keeping future growth in mind, allowing for easy addition of new features or scaling up resources.

3. Enhanced Security

Custom solutions often have better security as they are less likely to be targeted by generic threats.

4. Optimised Performance

Tailored optimisations ensure that the platform performs efficiently even under heavy traffic.

Strategic Advantages of Custom Web Platforms

Adopting custom web platform development can provide several strategic advantages:

  1. Greater Flexibility: Unlike standard CMS solutions, custom platforms offer unparalleled flexibility to adapt and evolve with your business needs.
  2. Integration Capabilities: They can integrate with existing systems and third-party services effortlessly, streamlining operations across different departments. For instance, integration platforms can connect disparate apps and data sources through one centralized hub, breaking down silos to boost efficiency.
  3. SEO Optimisation: Custom platforms can be designed with SEO best practices right from the start, helping improve visibility and rankings. You can refer to this detailed guide to actionable SEO techniques for beginners to understand basic technical and on-page optimization best practices.
  4. WooCommerce Integration: Custom web platforms can also include seamless WooCommerce integration, enabling businesses to leverage the popular e-commerce solution and expand their online presence.

Considerations Before Choosing a Custom Solution

Before deciding on custom web platform development, it's important to consider the following factors:

  1. Budget: Custom development can be costlier upfront compared to using pre-built solutions.
  2. Development Time: Building a custom platform takes time, so consider timelines before making a decision.
  3. Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance and updates are crucial to keep the platform secure and efficient, just as ad verification and fraud prevention tools can protect your ad spend and boost campaign performance.

Custom web platform development is a compelling choice for businesses looking to create a solution perfectly aligned with their unique requirements.


Choosing the right website builder is crucial for the success of complex business projects. The perfect platform not only meets your immediate needs but also grows with your business.

Looking into the recommended website builders based on specific requirements ensures that you invest in a solution that matches your business goals. Whether you prefer WordPress for its flexibility, Adobe Commerce (Magento) for powerful e-commerce features, or FlutterFlow for stylish app development, each platform has its own benefits.

For businesses with highly specific needs, custom web application and web software solutions can be a great option. These tailor-made platforms offer unmatched flexibility and can effectively address unique challenges.

Additionally, it's important to stay informed about other relevant aspects of digital marketing like FOMO Marketing, which taps into primal human emotions and triggers a competitive reaction. You can learn more about it by checking out The Ultimate FAQ Guide to FOMO Marketing.

Furthermore, understanding your website's visibility on search engines and making informed decisions about your SEO strategies is crucial. To achieve this, rank tracking tools are essential. They provide valuable insights into your website's performance and help drive more organic traffic.

Lastly, content curation plays a significant role in establishing expertise and saving time by sorting through information overload to discover and share the best, most relevant content on a topic for your audience. If you want to learn more about it, check out The Ultimate FAQ on Content Curation.

Do you need personalised advice? Chat with Oake Marketing to discuss your custom web application and web software needs.

Choosing the right website builder is a crucial step towards achieving smooth and efficient operations in complex business environments.

What is the growing need for advanced website and web application builders in today's competitive business landscape?

The growing need for advanced website and web application builders is driven by the increasing complexity of business requirements in today's competitive landscape. Businesses are seeking more robust solutions to meet their unique needs, requiring advanced features, customization options, and scalability.

What are the key considerations for choosing the best website builder?

The key considerations for choosing the best website builder include pricing considerations, scalability requirements, customization options, integration capabilities, and the support required to build and maintain the website. These factors are crucial in selecting a website builder that can cater to complex business needs effectively.

Can you explain the concept of Monolithic CMS and its features, pros, and cons?

Monolithic CMS is a type of website builder known for its all-in-one architecture, offering features such as content management, templates, and plugins within a single platform. Its pros include simplicity and ease of use, but it may lack flexibility and scalability compared to other types of CMS.

WordPress, Adobe Commerce (Magento),, FlutterFlow, Dittofi, Webflow, Adalo, and SAP Build Apps are some popular choices for advanced business use cases due to their flexibility, scalability, e-commerce capabilities, no-code development features, and extensive plugin options.

How can real-life examples showcase the capabilities of different website builders for complex business needs?

Real-life examples demonstrate how different website builders have been successfully utilized to meet complex business requirements. They showcase specific features and functionalities implemented in websites and web applications built with these platforms, providing valuable insights into their capabilities.

What is the role of custom web platform development in meeting unique business requirements?

Custom web platform development plays a strategic role in meeting unique business requirements by offering tailored solutions that align with specific needs. It allows businesses to create custom web applications and software that address their complex needs effectively.