Free Web Design Software: Top Tools for Stunning Websites

June 5, 2024
Posted by
Andrew Pottruff
Free Web Design Software: Top Tools for Stunning Websites

In today's digital world, having access to the right web design software is crucial for creating attractive and functional websites. This software simplifies the web development process, making it accessible to both beginners and experts alike. With user-friendly interfaces, pre-made templates, and customizable elements, web design software eliminates the need for extensive coding knowledge.

The Importance of Web Design Software

There are several reasons why web design software is essential:

  • Ease of Use: Many web design tools feature drag-and-drop functionality that allows users to quickly arrange and personalize site elements.
  • Cost-Effective: Numerous free web design software options offer powerful features without any significant costs.
  • Professional Results: High-quality templates and advanced customization options enable even beginners to create websites that rival those made by professionals.

Top Free Web Design Software Options

This article will delve into some of the best free web design software available today:

  1. Wix: Known for its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and wide range of templates.
  2. Weebly: Offers seamless support for online stores (e-commerce) and built-in tools for search engine optimization (SEO).
  3. WordPress: A versatile content management system (CMS) with strong website building capabilities.
  4. Figma: Focuses on collaborative prototyping with a strong emphasis on user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design.
  5. Webflow: Combines visual coding with the ability to create dynamic content.
  6. Bluefish & Visual Studio Code (VSC): Feature-rich code editors that are great for more technical users.

If you're interested in structured data and how it can enhance SEO, our Beginner's Guide to Implementing Structured Data for Better SEO is a valuable resource. Additionally, if you're unsure which website builder is right for you, our Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Best Website Builder can assist you in making an informed decision.

Now, let's explore these top tools in more detail and uncover their key features and benefits.

What to Look for in Web Design Software

Selecting the right web design software is crucial for creating stunning and functional websites. Here are key features to consider:

Drag-and-drop Interface

A drag-and-drop interface allows you to build websites without any coding knowledge. This feature enables you to place elements like images, text boxes, and widgets effortlessly, making it ideal for beginners.

Code Editing Capabilities

For those who prefer more control over their website's design, code editing capabilities are essential. Look for software that supports HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Tools like Bluefish & Visual Studio Code (VSC) offer robust code editing features.

E-commerce Support

If you plan to run an online store, e-commerce support is non-negotiable. Features such as integrated shopping carts, secure payment gateways, and inventory management are vital. Platforms like Weebly excel in this area.

UI/UX Design Focus

A strong focus on UI/UX design ensures that your website is not only visually appealing but also user-friendly. Tools like Figma provide advanced options for creating interactive prototypes and user interfaces.

Real-time Collaboration Tools

For teams working on a project, real-time collaboration tools are invaluable. These features allow multiple users to work on a design simultaneously, improving efficiency and reducing miscommunication. Figma and other modern tools often include these capabilities.

Incorporating these features will ensure your chosen web design software meets your needs effectively. For deeper insights into building high-quality websites, you may want to explore topics such as high-quality backlink building for SEO or take a look at our recommended Complete Guide to Using Block Patterns in WordPress, which can greatly enhance content creation, provide consistency, and encourage reuse of effective content structures.

Top Free Web Design Software Options

1. Wix

Wix is a highly popular and user-friendly website builder that caters to both beginners and experienced web designers. It's known for its simplicity and does not require any coding knowledge.

Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use Drag-and-drop Interface: Wix’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows users to seamlessly place elements exactly where they want them on the page. This feature is especially beneficial for those who are new to web design, making it easy to create visually appealing layouts with minimal effort.
  • Extensive Template Collection: With a diverse range of templates available, Wix provides options suitable for various industries and styles. Users can choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates that are fully customizable, ensuring their website reflects their unique brand identity.
  • Mobile-friendly Design Tools: Recognising the importance of mobile responsiveness in today’s digital landscape, Wix offers tools that ensure websites look great on all devices. The mobile editor allows users to adjust their site specifically for mobile viewing, guaranteeing an optimal user experience across desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

For those looking to integrate advanced marketing strategies with their website, it's worthwhile to explore how email automation tools can complement your efforts. These tools help small businesses execute sophisticated marketing campaigns that engage customers and nurture leads, without high costs or labor intensity.

Creating a website using Wix not only simplifies the design process but also provides robust tools that ensure your site is functional, attractive, and effective in reaching your audience.

2. Weebly

When it comes to free web design software options, you have plenty to choose from. However, Weebly stands out with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and seamless e-commerce support. It's a versatile tool that caters to both beginners and experienced designers looking for a straightforward way to build visually appealing websites.

Key Features:

  • Responsive Themes: Weebly offers a broad selection of responsive themes that adapt to various devices, ensuring your website looks stunning on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Built-in SEO Tools: Optimising your site for search engines is crucial. Weebly comes equipped with built-in SEO tools that simplify the process of adding meta tags, creating custom URLs, and generating sitemaps. Speaking of SEO, if you want to enhance your site's visibility even further, our Complete Guide to Meta Tags for SEO in 2024 provides valuable insights.
  • Integrated Shopping Cart System: For those venturing into e-commerce, Weebly's integrated shopping cart system allows for easy setup and management of online stores. This feature supports inventory tracking, product management, and secure checkout options.

Weebly's features make it an ideal choice for users who need a reliable website builder with robust e-commerce capabilities. Its user-friendly approach ensures that you can focus on creating content rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

In the dynamic field of digital advertising, staying updated with emerging technologies like virtual reality can provide a competitive edge. This is where our article on 5 Groundbreaking Ways Virtual and Augmented Reality are Transforming Digital Advertising comes in handy. VR and AR present game-changing opportunities for forward-thinking advertisers in 2024, and as these emerging technologies become more mainstream, brands should focus on creating memorable, interactive experiences that resonate emotionally with customers.

3. WordPress

WordPress is a versatile Content Management System (CMS) known for its strong website building capabilities. It was originally created as a blogging platform but has since developed into a powerful tool that can be used to create various types of websites, from personal blogs to complex e-commerce stores.

Key Features:

  • Customisable Themes: WordPress offers a wide range of free and premium themes that can be easily customised to suit your website's look and functionality. Whether you prefer a simple design or a feature-packed layout, there is a theme available to match your vision.
  • Plugin Ecosystem: One of the greatest strengths of WordPress is its extensive plugin ecosystem. With over 58,000 plugins to choose from, users can enhance their website's capabilities with ease. From SEO tools and social media integration to enhanced security features, plugins make WordPress highly adaptable.
  • SEO-friendly Structure: Right from the start, WordPress provides a solid foundation for search engine optimisation (SEO). Its clean code and logical structure make it easier for search engines to understand and index your website. Additionally, plugins like Yoast SEO offer advanced SEO features to further improve your site's visibility online.

Now let's explore the top free web design software options available, highlighting their key features and what sets them apart.

For those looking to recover lost backlinks or learn more about responsive web design, resources such as 10 Common Questions About Link Reclamation Answered [2024] and A Beginner's Guide to Implementing Responsive Web Design can offer valuable insights.

WordPress is a flexible choice that caters to both beginners and experienced professionals who want to create impressive websites effortlessly. If you're interested in learning more about responsive web design, this beginner's guide can provide valuable insights on how to implement it effectively within your WordPress site. Additionally, for those who have experienced a decline in search engine rankings and authority due to lost backlinks, this resource on link reclamation provides answers to common questions and strategies to recover a significant portion of these lost links.

4. Figma

Figma is a collaborative prototyping tool that focuses on UI/UX design. It allows designers to create, share, and make changes to designs together in real-time, making it perfect for teams who want to work efficiently on projects. One of the highlights of Figma is its cloud-based platform, which ensures that everyone always has access to the latest version of any design.

Key Features:

  • Design Components: Figma lets you create reusable components, making it easier to maintain consistency throughout your design. This is especially useful for large projects where having a uniform look is important.
  • Interactive Prototypes: With Figma, you can turn static designs into interactive prototypes. This feature allows you to simulate how users would interact with your design and gather feedback before starting development.
  • Team Collaboration Features: Figma shines in its ability to let multiple team members work on the same project at the same time. This streamlines the design process and boosts productivity.

If you're specifically looking for mobile app prototyping tools, you might also want to check out this article on best mobile app prototyping tools or this one on best prototyping tools for UX designers.

For those interested in delving deeper into effective design strategies, consider exploring our 5 Strategies for Designing an Effective Logo for Your Brand. These strategies cover essential steps such as researching your target audience and competitors, identifying your unique brand personality and story, focusing on versatility for different mediums, evaluating visual hierarchy and layout, and future-proofing with a flexible design.

Moreover, understanding how tools like Figma can play a role in digital advertising strategies is crucial. That's why we recommend reading A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Programmatic Advertising (2024). This guide provides insights into how programmatic advertising streamlines and automates the process of buying and selling online ad inventory through ad exchanges, enabling advertisers and publishers to buy and sell ad space efficiently and at scale.

5. Webflow: A Powerful Visual Coding Platform for Responsive Websites

Webflow stands out as a visual coding platform tailored for building responsive websites. It seamlessly merges the simplicity of drag-and-drop interfaces often found in website builders like Wix, with the advanced capabilities of coding platforms.

Key Features:

  1. Visual CMS: Webflow’s content management system (CMS) allows designers to create, manage, and update content visually. This feature is pivotal for those who want to maintain control over their website's content without diving into complex code structures.
  2. Dynamic Content Capabilities: With Webflow, dynamic content creation becomes straightforward. Users can build custom databases and integrate them into their designs effortlessly. This capability is particularly beneficial for creating blogs, e-commerce sites, or any platform requiring regular content updates.
  3. Multi-Device Preview Mode: Ensuring a website looks impeccable across all devices is crucial. Webflow offers a multi-device preview mode that allows users to see how their site will appear on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. This feature ensures that the end product is consistently responsive and visually appealing across various screen sizes.

Webflow's versatile tools enable both beginners and professionals to craft stunning, functional websites while maintaining flexibility and creative freedom.

For those looking to optimize their website's SEO, consider implementing these 10 On-Page SEO Tips for Website Optimization in 2024. These tips cover key optimization strategies such as conducting keyword research, optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, improving website speed, leveraging internal linking, and more.

In addition to SEO optimization, mastering graphic design fundamentals can significantly enhance your web design projects. Understanding key elements such as color theory, typography, and alignment can take your designs to the next level. Take a look at this insightful Beginner's Guide to Graphic Design Fundamentals to learn more about these essential concepts.

Transitioning from design to functionality is seamless with Webflow, making it an invaluable tool in your web design arsenal.

6. Bluefish & Visual Studio Code (VSC)

Free web design software often includes powerful code editors made for developers who prefer hands-on control over their website design. Two standout options in this category are Bluefish and Visual Studio Code (VSC), which offer a wide range of features to enhance the web development process.


Bluefish is a flexible editor known for its speed and small size, making it great for both beginners and experienced developers. Here are some key features:

  • Lightweight Performance: Bluefish runs smoothly with very few system resources, so it's fast even on older computers.
  • Multiple Document Interface (MDI): You can work on multiple files at the same time using Bluefish, which helps you manage your work efficiently.
  • Advanced Search and Replace: With Bluefish, you have powerful search options that include regular expressions, making it easier to handle large projects.

Visual Studio Code (VSC)

Visual Studio Code (VSC), created by Microsoft, is famous for its wide range of tools and ability to be customized. Here are some key features:

  • IntelliSense: VSC offers intelligent suggestions based on variable types, function definitions, and imported modules.
  • Integrated Terminal: You can run command-line tasks directly from the editor using VSC's integrated terminal, which saves you time during development.
  • Extensions Marketplace: VSC has a huge collection of plugins that extend its functionality, ranging from debugging tools to version control systems like Git.

Both Bluefish and VSC provide a comprehensive set of tools that cater to different aspects of web design and development. From fast performance in Bluefish to smart code suggestions in VSC, these editors give developers the power to create amazing websites with accuracy.

For instance, when working with WordPress, developers can further enhance their productivity by utilizing block patterns. These reusable blocks allow for the quick insertion of pre-designed sections, significantly speeding up WordPress content creation.

Additionally, it's essential to dispel certain digital marketing myths that may hinder the success of your online endeavors. By understanding that digital marketing requires consistent, ongoing efforts focused on quality over quantity, you can adopt a more strategic and effective approach towards achieving lasting results.

Best Web Design Software for Professionals

1. Adobe Dreamweaver

Adobe Dreamweaver is one of the best web design software options for professionals. It combines a powerful coding platform with an easy-to-use WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, making it ideal for both designers and developers. With Dreamweaver, you can create, code, and manage websites efficiently.

Key Features:

  • Live View Functionality: This feature allows you to see how your website will look in real-time as you build it. Any changes you make in the code are instantly reflected on the screen, giving you immediate feedback on your edits.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Dreamweaver's advanced syntax highlighting supports multiple programming languages, making it easier to identify errors and improve code readability. This is especially useful for complex projects that involve HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and more.
  • FTP Integration: The built-in FTP (File Transfer Protocol) integration in Dreamweaver simplifies the process of uploading files directly to your web server. It ensures seamless connectivity and reduces the chances of errors during file transfer.

Dreamweaver's robust features cater to both novice and experienced web developers. Its dual interface—combining both visual and code-based editing—empowers users to choose their preferred method of working or even switch between the two as needed.

For those looking to optimize their website’s performance post-launch, our Comprehensive Guide to Calculating ROI for SEO provides invaluable insights into measuring return on investment effectively.

Moreover, if you're interested in exploring other areas of web development beyond design software, our blog also offers resources such as A Beginner's Guide to Building Single Page Applications, which explains how single page applications provide a seamless user experience by dynamically updating a single web page instead of loading entire new pages.

Additionally, we have an article on 10 Creative Video Marketing Ideas to Grow Your Business, which could be of interest to professionals looking to leverage the power of video content in their marketing strategies.

Lastly, if you're concerned about website performance and optimizing user experience, our blog post on 8 FAQs About Lazy Loading Images Answered provides insights into how lazy loading images can improve page speed and save bandwidth.

By leveraging Adobe Dreamweaver's functionalities, professionals can ensure that their websites are not only aesthetically pleasing but also highly functional and optimized for various devices.

2. Sublime Text

Sublime Text stands out in the world of web design software for professionals because of its powerful code editing abilities and extensive customization options. Unlike traditional WYSIWYG editors like Adobe Dreamweaver, Sublime Text offers a streamlined coding environment that caters to developers seeking precision and efficiency.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Selections: This feature allows you to make changes to multiple lines of code at once, making the coding process much faster.
  • Command Palette: Sublime Text's Command Palette provides quick access to various functions and features, making it easier to navigate through your project without using the mouse.
  • Snippet Library: The comprehensive snippet library helps automate repetitive coding tasks, reducing mistakes and increasing productivity.

For professionals looking to improve their coding efficiency and customization, Sublime Text is an essential tool. This preference for code-focused environments often leads developers to explore other advanced web design software such as Adobe Dreamweaver due to its live view functionality and FTP integration.

However, Sublime Text's strong features make it a top choice among developers searching for an efficient, customizable coding platform. By using these advanced tools, designers can create impressive, high-performing websites tailored to their specific needs. While tools like rank tracking are essential for understanding website visibility on search engines and making informed decisions about SEO strategies to drive more organic traffic, Sublime Text's primary focus remains on offering a superior code editing experience.

3. Canva & Google Web Designer (GWD)

Canva and Google Web Designer (GWD) are visual design tools that offer unique features, making them indispensable for web designers.


Canva provides an intuitive interface tailored for creating stunning visuals with ease:

  • Drag-and-Drop Simplicity: Users can effortlessly create designs by dragging elements onto their canvas.
  • Extensive Template Library: Canva offers hundreds of pre-designed templates, catering to various design needs.
  • Collaboration Features: Teams can work together in real-time, making edits and providing feedback directly within the platform.

These features make Canva a preferred choice for those looking to create visually appealing web design elements without delving into coding.

Google Web Designer (GWD)

Google Web Designer stands out with its advanced capabilities focused on interactive and responsive web content:

  • HTML5 Support: GWD allows users to create dynamic HTML5-based designs and motion graphics that can run seamlessly on any device.
  • Interactive Elements: Designers can incorporate animations and interactive components, enhancing user engagement.
  • Integrated Toolset: GWD includes a suite of tools for text, shapes, and 3D objects, enabling comprehensive design creation within a single platform.

This powerful tool is perfect for professionals aiming to develop complex web designs with rich interactivity and responsiveness.

By leveraging the strengths of both Canva and GWD, designers can ensure their websites are not only visually stunning but also highly functional. To delve deeper into boosting your digital presence through strategic visual content, explore these 5 Strategies to Boost Social Media Engagement in 2023, which cover important aspects such as leveraging visual content, strategic hashtags, audience interaction, and performance analysis.


Exploring the range of free web design software options can change your online presence, whether you're a beginner or an experienced pro. Each tool mentioned in this article offers special features designed for different needs and skill levels.

Choosing the right web design software is extremely important. It not only affects how easy it is to build and manage your site but also determines how effective your overall online strategy will be. These platforms are the building blocks for creating attractive and functional websites, offering everything from simple drag-and-drop interfaces to powerful e-commerce support and advanced UI/UX design tools.

Here are some key factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Ease of Use: Tools like Wix and Weebly
  • Customisation Capabilities: WordPress and Webflow
  • Collaboration and Prototyping: Figma
  • Professional Coding: Adobe Dreamweaver and Sublime Text

Having the right web design software is crucial for success in today's digital world. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to improve an existing site, these tools will give you the ability to achieve your goals efficiently.

Explore these recommended options based on your needs and preferences, armed with the knowledge to make an informed choice for your web design journey.


What is web design software and why is it essential?

Web design software is a tool used to create stunning websites. It is essential for designing and developing visually appealing and functional web pages. Without web design software, it would be challenging to build professional-looking websites.

What are the important features to consider when choosing web design software?

When choosing web design software, it's important to consider features such as drag-and-drop interface, code editing capabilities, e-commerce support, UI/UX design focus, and real-time collaboration tools. These features contribute to the ease of use and functionality of the software.

What are the key features of Wix as a website builder option?

Wix is known for its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, extensive template collection, and mobile-friendly design tools. These features make it a popular and user-friendly choice for building websites.

What are the key features of Weebly with its drag-and-drop interface and e-commerce support?

Weebly offers responsive themes, built-in SEO tools, and an integrated shopping cart system. Its drag-and-drop interface and seamless e-commerce support make it a standout option for web design.

How does WordPress stand out as a versatile CMS with powerful website building capabilities?

WordPress offers customizable themes, a plugin ecosystem, and an SEO-friendly structure. Its versatility as a CMS combined with powerful website building capabilities makes it a top choice for many users.

What are the key features of Figma as a collaborative prototyping tool with a focus on UI/UX design?

Figma offers design components, interactive prototypes, and team collaboration features. These features cater to the needs of UI/UX designers who require collaborative prototyping tools.

What are the key features of Webflow as a visual coding platform for building responsive websites?

Webflow provides a visual CMS, dynamic content capabilities, and a multi-device preview mode. These features make it an ideal choice for those looking to build responsive websites using visual coding tools.

How do Bluefish and Visual Studio Code (VSC) compare as code editors for web design?

Bluefish offers feature 1, feature 2, and feature 3, while VSC provides feature 1, feature 2, and feature 3. Both options cater to the needs of web designers seeking advanced code editing capabilities.

What are the key features of Adobe Dreamweaver as a professional coding platform with a WYSIWYG editor?

Adobe Dreamweaver offers live view functionality, syntax highlighting, and FTP integration. These features make it a preferred choice among professionals seeking advanced coding capabilities with a WYSIWYG editor.

What are the key features of Sublime Text known for its powerful code editing capabilities and extensive customization options?

Sublime Text offers multiple selections, command palette, and snippet library. These features contribute to its reputation as a powerful code editor with extensive customization options.

How do Canva and Google Web Designer (GWD) compare as visual design tools for web design?

Canva provides feature 1, feature 2, and feature 3, while GWD offers feature 1, feature 2, and feature 3. Both options cater to the needs of professionals seeking visual design tools for web design projects.